ZOOM: Barrelates
BODY by Scuvotti
Service Description
We like to call this class, "pilates standing up" because this is not your traditional barre class, this is a BODY Barrelates class. Perform Exercises at a Faster Tempo with Decreased Rest in between Sets to Increase Endurance and Stamina during Performance of these Movement Practices: Stabilizer Muscle Recruitment and Core Strength to Achieve Complex Movement. Improvement of Overall Posture and Stimulate Fast-Twitch and Slow-Twitch Muscles. Build Total Body Strength, Tone and Control.
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
Please cancel within twenty-four hours prior to your booked session to make room for other members to book. Also, please be conscious of our Instructor's valuable time and book your session no later than two hours prior to the class start time. Thank you!
Contact Details
1103 Butte House Road suite b, Yuba City, CA, USA